This Will Probably Never Happen Again Havaard Juggling

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March seven, 1976


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The art of juggling has flourished over the centuries wherever people have gathered to be entertained. Frescoes and reliefs showing jugglers performing with balls, clubs and flaming torches have been found in aboriginal Egypt, in Greece, and in the ruins of pre‐Columbian civilizations in Due south America.

The discussion "juggler" is derived from the word jongleur, which in turn comes from the Latin joculari, meaning to joke or jest. In the Middle Ages juggling was office of the deed of almost every jongleur or itinerant entertainer. Past the 17th century juggling had go a separate "circus fine art" of its own and for the side by side 200 years jugglers were an essential part of every traveling circus. In the 19th century jugglers moved indoors, performing in music halls, theaters, and later the vaudeville excursion. Every bit nearly pic buffs know, Westward. C. Fields began his career as in vaudeville.

Now juggling has come full cycle and has gone outdoors again. Many cities, especially those with a college campus, take their "street circuses" of mimes, tumblers and jugglers. In Cambridge's Harvard Foursquare, street entertainers became so numerous concluding year that the police clamped downwardly on them, just to relent when the audiences raised a hue and cry over their disappearance.

Juggling is really so unproblematic a skill that most spectators can, with a little pracI ice, get performers themselves. Last summer when two professional jug glers, Cy Koski and Steve Margil, started practicing their juggling act, "Locomotion Circus," on the grass at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, they not just attracted crowds of spectators, just also many apprentice jugglers. Past the end of the summer over 100 jugglers from throughout New England descended on Amherst for an impromptu weekend convention.

With a niggling exercise and a minimum of paw‐and‐middle coordination, anyone can acquire the basic "three‐ball cascade" and the "3‐ball shower" in a few days. Although juggling is inappreciably o?? of the necessary social graces, the extrovert standing near a fruit bowl at a slow party can ordinarily liven things up—and the adult who is called upon to amuse a roomful of children on a rainy day will immediately see the benefit in knowing how to juggle. Anyone who can go along 3 oranges in the. air for two minutes will never de without an audience — at to the lowest degree for those minutes.

Juggling is so simple a skill that most spectators can, with a footling practice, become performers themselves.

One time the juggling urge strikes, its victim can hardly resist tossing things into the air — plates, cups, cigar boxes, scarves, hats, pieces of fruit, hardboiled eggs. Nonetheless, all juggling begins with balls, preferably la crosse balls which cost anywhere from $1 to $ane.fifty in sporting goods stores. The best lacrosse balls from the juggler'south indicate of view are those fabricated in England and Canada; they are firmer when they land in the hand and they bounce better. Some dog balls volition do in a pinch, but tennis balls are too low-cal; they become difficult to command once speed is acquired.

Jugglers use a lot of h2o imagery to describe the patterns made by tossing balls in the air. The 3‐ball cascade and three‐ball shower are the elementary juggling cycles from which dozens of variations stein. The threebaIl cascade can exist Iearned hands by starting with one brawl and patiently perfecting every motility. First, extend arms in a higher place and in front of your head and so the hands are about six inches in forepart of your trunk with the elbows slightly bent. The hands mark the "spots" to which the balls will be

Now, holding arms at waist level parallel to the floor with the palms of the hands facing up, begin tossing a unmarried brawl from hand to hand so that the ball starting time hits the imaginary spot in the air. Toss the ball from the right mitt, aimed at the left paw spot. The brawl doesn't create a perfect arc; the trajectory will resemble a correct triangle with the toss climbing the hypotenuse and and then falling direct downwards to the other hand. Practice with the unmarried brawl until y'all tin hit the spats every time and the ball lands without your having to move your easily more than an inch or two to catch information technology.

Afterwards the substitution of the unmarried ball is mastered, the side by side step is tossing two balls simultaneously from mitt to mitt. With a ball in each hand, toss the ane in your right into the air and when it reaches the left hand spot, its apex, toss the brawl in your left mitt toward the correct spot, making sure that the second ball goes under the starting time. Practice this substitution continuing near a couch or bed because the first few times the balls will almost certainly land everywhere but where you desire them to. You will detect yourself reaching and lunging for the assurance and wondering just how clumsy and awkward one human being can be.

Patience can clothing sparse very quickly, so it is wise non to exercise more than 30 minutes at a stretch in the beginning. Fix the balls aside, merely from time to time try to visualize the action of the balls going from ane hand to the other. The listen'south center can slow the movement and then that yous can grasp exactly what it is you want to practice. You lot'll be surprised the next time you pick up the assurance how much easier this exchange becomes.

Do tossing from left to right, equally well equally correct to left. Remember to keep your eyes on the imaginary spots and watch each ball as it reaches its apex and begins to fall. After a while your movements will become well-baked and sure, and each of the balls will fall back into your hands without your having to reach out more than than a couple of inches. How long it takes to chief the twoball substitution depends upon the individual; some people go the hang of it right away while others need a number of do sessions.

At present comes the third ball—the moment of truth. Really, even the two‐ball substitution is juggling—as long equally both assurance are in the air at the same time. Only what really makes juggling heady is having more than balls in the air than you have hands to catch them.

To begin the three‐ball cascade, agree two assurance in your right hand and one in the left. Toss one of the balls from your right hand toward the left spot and when it reaches the noon, toss the hall in your left manus to the right spot—simply as in the two‐ball exchange; hut then toss the third ball, the ane remaining in the right paw, toward the left spot as presently as the 2nd hall reaches lis apex. You will have the aforementioned problem with missing and dropping every bit you did with the ii‐hall exchange at outset, then in one case once more, terminate when impatience sets in. Try to visualize the sequence of tosses. Practice in short sessions and concentrate on your movements, keeping your eyes fixed on the imaginary right and left hand spots.

Mastery depends on patience and do, but with perseverance y'all will soon be able to continue the cascade going from right to left and left to right for several cycles. Equally a mode of testing yourself, close your eyes and juggle without looking. Your reflexes should ship the assurance to the same height and in the prescribed arc each time. Anyone who tin juggle blindfolded can say that they take fully mastered the three‐brawl pour.

The other basic pattern is the 3‐ball thrower. Although more difficult than the cascade considering the hand movements are faster, the shower shouldn't take long to master one time you have the knack of keeping three balls in the air.

Again, start with one hall. Toss it from correct to left, up to an imaginary spot directly in a higher place and to the front of your head. The flying of the ball describes a truer arc than in the cascade. When the ball lands in your left hand, instead of tossing information technology dorsum into the air, flip it sideways to your right paw. The difficulty comes in the extra mitt movement. Where before there were but two upwards and downwardly movements now there is one upward, one to the side, and the catch.

When you add a second ball, hold them both in the right paw, tossing the second after the outset reaches the apex. Later on you brainstorm doing this with confidence, contrary the movement and concord both balls in the left hand and so that the shower is clockwise. With iii assurance, begin with ii in the right hand and one in the left. When both balls are in the air flip the one in the left mitt over to the right. After the three‐brawl shower has been mastered, integrate it with the cascade so that you can switch patterns and make the routine a seamless whole.

The confirmed juggler is always looking for new routines and is constantly varying his deed with flashy attending‐getting means to start or finish. Jugglers are never happier than when they are in the company of other jugglers so that they can watch each other's technique and routines. After a while, almost jugglers try to add to the number of balls they can juggle at one time. V‐ball acts are often seen at juggler'south conventions, only they are hard to master. The record of 10 balls — duly recorded in the Guinness Book of Records—is held by Enrico Rastelli. Rastelli, who flourished in the twenty's and 30's, practiced every waking moment of his life and, fable has it, nearly collection himself to a nervous breakdown trying to keep 10 assurance in the air.

Finding other jugglers isn't as much of a problem as one flight remember. Street performers usually know where other jugglers can be found. Jugglers patronize magic supply houses, most of which are listed in the Yellow Pages —every bit is "Juggling—Teaching." The International Jugglers Clan, which holds an annual convention and publishes a monthly newsletter describing new tricks and manufactures about jugglers, volition also direct you to other jugglers if you write to the IJA c/o Carol Benge, Secretarial assistant, 129 Fourth Ave., Bartlett, Ill. 60103.

Books on juggling can be found in joke shops and magic supply houses, or by writing to Montandon Magic, Box 711, Bixby, Okla. 74008 for a price list. A skillful book on brawl juggling is "ThreeBall Juggling," past Ken Benge. Priced at $five, it is privately printed and has splendid diagrams and can be ordered from Magic, Inc., 5082 North Lincoln Ave. Chicago, Ill., 60625. Some other helpful book is "The Juggling Book" past Carlo, published by Random House (Vintage) at $ii.95. ■


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