Movie From the 80s About Old People Becoming Young Again

12 Rad Classic 80's Movies You Should Have Seen by Now

Get dorsum to the decade of big hair and shoulder pads to cut footloose with these classics that capture the iconic 1980s.

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'Top Gun'

Tom Cruise smiled his iconic smirk every bit Maverick, flying straight through the danger zone and into America's center. Val Kilmer as Iceman and Anthony Edwards as Goose showed up every bit his pilot buddies, at the fix for some shirtless beach volleyball and aeroplane stunt flying. Put on your aviator sunglasses because "you've lost that lovin' feeling." Not really. Not ever, Maverick.

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'St. Elmo'southward Burn down'

The Deviling Pack genre was built-in in this ensemble drama about a bunch of yuppies who just graduated from college. It stars half the cast of The Breakfast Lodge, another must-see 80'due south flick, with Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, and Ally Sheedy. Add Demi Moore dressed like a Madonna-wannabe, Andrew McCarthy as a brooding loverboy, and Rob Lowe with an earring, mullet, and saxophone, and y'all're all set for some bratty melodrama courtesy of rich kids desperate for love. (Check out these movies that are worth watching for the clothes alone.)

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Kevin Bacon rose to stardom as a city boy marooned in a rural town where dancing and stone music are banned. But that doesn't end Salary as Ren from busting a move with his Walkman, diggings his boom box, and giving his school a senior prom. No affair how many times yous watch this flick, you will not be able to resist tapping your foot, especially to Kenny Loggin'due south classic pop vocal lyric, "Everybody cutting fancy-free!"

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'The Breakfast Club'

This John Hughes classic took on the caste system of high schools beyond America. Everyone could relate to either being a role of a clique or trying to pause into one. Molly Ringwald stood out every bit the 80'due south "It Girl," with her signature bob hairstyle and a pout that captured adolescent angst. Anthony Michael Hall played the nerd. Emilio Estevez was the athlete. Ally Sheedy was the weirdo. Judd Nelson rounded out the bandage every bit the class clown with such a drastic demand for acceptance that the whole movie felt authentic.

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'Fatal Allure'

Glenn Close's performance as the "other woman" became iconic for its baking portrayal of the dangers of cheating, but the film was really a referendum on gender norms and working women. It caused a huge cultural storm as audiences took sides on who to blame for destroying family values. No one e'er looked at a boiling stew pot the aforementioned mode again. Bunnies, beware!

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'Back to the Time to come'

Michael J. Flim-flam shot to idol status later on his star turn as Marty McFly, the loftier schooler who shoots back in time to the 1950s and ends up making his ain mother autumn for him. Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) had to get his fourth dimension machine DeLorean back on track then as not to upset the space-time continuum. Everybody loves this classic about meeting your own parents before yous're even born, making it a dandy family movie to enjoy.

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'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'

Sean Penn plays a stoner surfer-boy in this coming-of-historic period story about how hard it is to be a teenager. Some things never change! Approximate Reinhold stars a teen in dear with Phoebe Cates, who won't requite him the time of solar day. Jennifer Jason Leigh plays Stacy, a girl who's dying to abound up. Cameron Crowe'due south script (adjusted from a book) captured the timeless angst of teen life in the early 80s.

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'Valley Girl'

Nicolas Cage became an unlikely heartthrob in this romantic one-act set in the valley near Los Angeles. He plays a punk rocker from Hollywood who falls for a valley girl, Romeo and Juliet-style. Their friends and family oppose the coupling because the two are just besides different. Merely Cage is so lovestruck he won't let go. And then he crashes the girl's prom and steals off with her in a stolen limo while "I Melt with You," plays in the background. Like, totally!

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Jennifer Beals shines as a welder who longs to exist a ballerina. But she doesn't accept whatsoever formal training other than "flash-dancing" at the local dark gild. No trouble. She scores an audience (thanks to her rich young man) and shows the conservative ballet judges what existent dancing looks similar. It looks a lot like jazzercise. What a feeling!

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'Pretty in Pink'

Molly Ringwald plays a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who dresses in lots of pink vintage apparel in this other John Hughes archetype. Andrew McCarthy plays the pop rich boy who is drawn to her. James Spader shows up equally a tyrannical high schooler bent on keeping the ii apart. Don't forget Jon Cryer every bit "Duckie," the stylish early hipster who besides loves Ringwald. At the end, she shows up at the prom in a handmade gown and yes, she's definitely pretty in pinkish! (Add together these 10 nearly romantic movies of all times to your list.)

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'Beverly Hills Cop'

Eddie Spud shot to stardom in the start film of this popular franchise near wise-cracking cop Alex Foley. He's used to the streets of Detroit, but heads to sunny California and chi-chi Beverly Hills to solve the murder of his best friend. Murphy displays the signature comedy style that he brought to his stint on Sat Dark Alive and other lxxx'southward classics like Trading Places and 48 Hours. Want more laughs? Here are the 100+ funniest movies of all time.

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'Wall Street'

Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko, the guy who said "Greed is good," was the emblem of 1980'southward corporate excess. Charlie Sheen starred as the newbie stock broker trying to making it rich quick. Oliver Rock'south picture took identify in mansions, luxury apartments, and opulent high-rise offices that were meant to show the allure of extreme wealth. But by the finish, everyone is in handcuffs and probably heading to jail.


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